Health Benefits of Foot Reflexology
24 Aug
Oriental cultures of Singapore have some hidden treasures that are only getting revealed to the western world now. One of these is foot reflexology that is creating a lot of buzz around the western world these days as more and more people are turning to this oriental practice of applying pressure to designated points on the foot of a person to bring relief to pains and aches in his other body parts and organs. Singapore being a small island nation in the Malay Peninsula is not immune to the use of foot reflexology as not just its huge Chinese population but also those have traditionally known this wonderful healing technique that is similar to acupressure.
There are many health benefits of foot reflexology but this healing therapy is not intended to take place of any other medicine system to cure a particular ailment. Instead, this technique is used by people for their general well-being and health. It is seen that people who go to clinics of practitioners of foot reflexology Singapore to get their stress levels reduced. This treatment procedure is known to bring relief in tired feet and at the same time reduces pains and aches in other body parts. This is an amazing benefit of foot massage that accrues to people undergoing foot reflexology sessions as they get relief in pains and aches that do not alleviate using medications.
Foot reflexology relieve chronic aches and pains
Though scientists do not know the exact working principle behind foot reflexology, people report increased energy levels and better sleep patterns after undergoing treatment at the hands of experienced practitioners. It is clear that applying pressure on points in foot leads to removal of all blockages and better blood circulation that seems to be working for stimulation of other body organs. Another important benefit that has been seen in people going to foot reflexology experts for regular sessions of therapy in Singapore is relief from headaches and sinusitis problems.
Improves digestion and removes associated ailments
Can foot reflexology have any role to play in improving the digestion of a patient? It seems unlikely, but if one goes by the testimonials of people in Singapore who have been making use of this ancient healing therapy of foot massage, it becomes clear that most of the digestion problems like gas, bloating, constipation etc. are gone after a few therapy sessions.
Improves energy levels and promotes health
The feet of every individual have reflex points that correspond to other organs or body parts. Manipulation of these points using fingers and thumbs in a special manner is what constitutes foot reflexology. This pressure removes blockages in blood vessels and allows the life forces to travel to all body organs without any hindrance. It is only natural for a person to have the channels in his body get clogged over time due to many different kinds of physical and emotional stresses that build up in our lives. Foot reflexology gradually removes all these blockages to increase energy levels and a reduction in pains and aches in different body parts.
Yes, foot reflexology does not claim to cure specific ailments and diseases, and the fact that with each session costing around $25 to $30, it seems too much to invest in this system of treatment. However, despite all limitations and no scientific evidence for its efficacy, the number of people in Singapore turning to foot reflexology for improvement in their general health and well-being is increasing with each passing day. The fact that people are getting relief from foot massage for their chronic pains and aches is contributing to this phenomenon.