Eat – Not Drink – Fresh Fruits for Diabetes
5 Oct
In Singapore, person aged 18 to 69 is more prone to diabetes considering its lifestyle like food. In a recent count, there are about 11.3% Singaporean suffered from diabetes which rises from 8.2% in 2004.
New Findings
A new study reveals that fresh fruits, particularly apples, blueberries, grapes and pears slow down the risk of Type 2 diabetes. But an opposite effect happens when drinking fruit juice trigger diabetes. Over a cycle of century when US, British, and Singaporean researchers has laid down data from ‘big three investigations’ in the United States. At present, an aggregate count of 187,000 doctors, nurses, and professional caregivers were engaged themselves in the said study.
Right after one year, their health was monitored, while a structured-questionnaire were regularly used to answer queries on their daily health status particularly in lifestyle which include smoking, eating habits, weight, physical habit and other related factors. In the midst of the studies, there are about 6.5% of the volunteers have developed diabetes.
Contrary to Previous Beliefs
Clearly, participants who ate at least two servings of whole fruits per week has relatively reduced the risk of Type 2 diabetes, which garnered as much as 23% as compared to volunteers who ate less than one serving per month. Assistant professor of nutrition, Qi Sun, at the Harvard School of Public Health claimed that their findings is a ‘novel evidence’ which suggest more fruits to be very beneficial in lowering diabetes risk.
Sun concluded those participants who use to drink one or more servings of fruit juice per day is at risk of developing diabetes by over 21%. While switching three servings of juice in a week from whole fruits can relatively reduce about seven-percent of risk. In a British Medical Journal (BMJ), the prevalent study needs to delve on the significant difference among the variable present.
Explaining the Effect
Researchers assume that the nutritional content and values of fruit juice and whole fruit are the same, but according to them there is always been difference considering that the former is liquid while the latter is semi-solid. The said journal explicated that fluids can rapidly passes through stomach to human intestine regardless of its nutritional content. To underscore, therefore, fresh fruits are beneficial to human health, researchers added.