How Cell Phones Affect Relationships

11 May

Cell phones are gift to humanity. The advent of cell phones made our lives more connected and easier. It facilitates communication but in truth, it drifts us apart because it affects quality time interactions. Cell phones undermine interactions because it serves as a distraction. With that, students from NTU (Nanyang Technological University) launched a campaign that stresses the significance of quality interaction.


Not all people are aware of how annoying cell phones have become. When you talk with your friends, cell phones compete for their attention too. You will find that your friends are constantly checking their cell phones for updates and messages that you think they are not listening to you. For some, checking phones during conversations is fine but for others, it is purely annoying and distracting. Cell phones affects relationships. Here’s how:

1.       Relationship Quality

Relationship is felt by the heart. It is necessary to spend time with your friends or family so you can say that you have a good relationship. When you are together, you talk but how can you maintain a conversation if you are constantly distracted with your cell phones and its updates? The quality of relationship will be compromised.

2.       Response

It was mentioned earlier that cell phones serve as a distraction when you are having a conversation. That is true. You will notice that when you are talking but your friend is texting, the response is delayed. Sometimes you will wait for the response because your friend is indulge in his/her phone. The slow response will reduce the warmth and the enthusiasm.


3.       Empathy

When you are with your friends or family, talking is part of the fun. You have to listen and respond appropriately but how can you do that when you are too busy checking the stream of updates and text messages? Sometimes, our family or friends need someone to talk to and listen. You can be that person if you do not include cell phones in the conversation.

Many people ignore the effects of cell phones in their relationships because they are too absorbed in social media updates and texting. They are so busy with their online or text messaging life that they fail to appreciate what is in front of them. So, the next time you meet with your friends or you go out with the family, keep your cell phones away from you and simply enjoy the moments together. You cannot redo or turn back those moments you know. You have to give importance to the real thing and not rely on updates and text messaging.



Questions About Animal Quarantine

8 May

The agency that handles animal quarantine here in Singapore is AVA (Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority). The agency recently launched their new system called Quarantine Management System on December 18, 2013. The new system will make things easier for  the pet owners and their pets to enter the country. The system will allow pet owners to plan their travels in advance (of up to six months).


Animals entering to Singapore from any country should be quarantined for at least thirty days. The reason for the quarantine is simple – it seeks to stop the multiplication of infectious diseases (like rabies) here in Singapore. Here are some questions that needs to be addressed concerning animal quarantine:

Where is the quarantine station and its visiting hours?

You should know that the station is located at Sembawang Animal Quarantine Station. Visiting hours are strictly observed. During Mondays to Fridays, they are open from 4pm to 6pm. During Saturdays, they are open from 2pm to 6pm. If it is Sunday or Public Holiday, they are closed.

Does the agency require vaccinations?

Even if you recently vaccinated your pet dogs, it is still compulsory to have your dogs go through series of vaccinations for parvovirus, distemper and hepatitis. If you are bringing in a pet cat, it is compulsory to give them vaccinations against cat enteritis and cat flu. AVA will look for a certification for your pet; they should have treatments against internal and external parasites.


What are the preventive health measures taken throughout the period?

While in the quarantine, pets can be exposed to many serious diseases. Do not worry because there are measures taken like routine vaccinations throughout the quarantine period. For dogs and cats, they can be treated with heartworm prophylaxis and they should be tick-free. Dogs are bathed once a week to avoid the stress of changing environment.

When can the pets be discharged?

After 30 days, pets can be discharged. If there is a problem or issue, AVA will require an extension. But for those who passed and completed their period, they can be discharged from Monday to Sunday (10am-11pm). If you have a pet dog, you need to secure dog license first because you need to present it before they release the dog.

There you go. You only have to endure 30 days and then after that, you can be with your pet for as long as you live. Do not evade quarantine because you will face punishments if you are caught. Having a pet is a big responsibility. Remember that it does not end after you submit your pet to quarantine.



What You Need to Know about West African Ebola

25 Apr

It pays to watch the news and be updated. Have you heard about the latest outbreak of Ebola in West Africa? Though it is far from Singapore, it still pays to be updated. Directly or indirectly, it can affect Singapore. According to World Health Organization, Ebola virus in West Africa is predicted to be contained for at least two to four months from now.


Ebola is also known as Ebola Haemorrhagic fever. You should know that there are no specific treatments that can battle the virus. The worse thing is that there is a high rate of death if a patient encounters Ebola. Here are other things that you need to know about Ebola:


  • Signs and symptoms: Ebola begins by malaise. It is accompanies by chills, fever, abdominal pains, diarrhoea, joint pains, chest pains, muscle pains, nausea, hiccups, sore throats, cough, fatigue, seizure, headaches and agitation. 
  • Causes: Ebola is caused by a virus. The virus has five classifications but in this case, only four remain to be the cause of Ebola.
  • Transmission: Ebola can be transmitted through contact to an infected host. For example, if you use the needles already used by an infected person, you will be affected with the virus.

What is the best way to avoid this? You should watch out for travel advisories. If there is an outbreak in the place you want to visit, you should postpone it. If you came from a place with outbreak, you should be watchful for signs and symptoms. You have to know that Ebola is highly infectious and contagious.


The New Kind of Home

22 Apr

Sometimes you wish you live in a different surrounding where you are respected. This is exactly the idea behind the newly opened apartment building along the outskirts of Zurich. The structure was opened last December 2013. The structure gives sanctuary to people with different types of sensitivity. This is the first and hopefully it will not be the last.


The building is especially made for people with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS). MCS is a chronic condition. Although it is not yet recognized by the medical community, it is recognized by the society. People who are afflicted have the sensitivity to the following things:


  • Electromagnetic hypersensitivity: Electromagnetic hypersensitivity refers to people who are ill when they come near or in contact with radiations or electrical circuits. Wireless equipment will equally make them ill. In the quarters, mobile phone, telephone or any equipment are banned. 
  • Chemicals hypersensitivity: There are people who suffer from chemical hypersensitivity. These people feel ill when they come near or in contact with any chemicals around them. Some examples include perfume, smoke, pesticides, fumes and many more. In the quarters, no things with chemicals are allowed.    

People suffering from MCS are known as hypersensitive. Hypersensitive people can now rest without getting anxious because of the newly built structure. The building is a big help to those who are suffering from their conditions. It will make their lives better and easier.

It would be nice if there is a structure here in Singapore who respects your sensitivity. The Singaporean should look into this and make sure that people with MCS here are properly cared.


Symptoms of Depression

10 Apr

You will be amazed of the recent studies made by University of Cambridge. A saliva test can now help detect and identify major depression among teenage boys which have minor symptoms of depression. Researchers found out that teenage boys with higher levels of cortisol coupled with minor symptoms of depression are fourteen times likely to encounter clinical depression.


The test was more effective with boys than girls. Studies show that 1 in 6 people encounter clinical depression. You should know that mental disorders begin before 24 but there is no testing that can identify depression. Because of the studies made by University of Cambridge, understanding mental problems will be easier here in Singapore and the whole world. This study can spot patients who are at risk so help can be given to them as early as possible.

In the past, depression can be diagnosed by talking to the patient but that is not the case now. With the help of saliva and gauging the levels of cortisol level, major depression can be spotted. Depression is a broad term. If you are asking about the symptoms, there is a long list and not everyone encounter the same symptoms. Here are some symptoms of depression that you should watch out:

  • Loss of interest: You enjoy a lot of things but you notice lately that you no longer enjoy the things that give you pleasure like hobbies and sex. That is a clear symptom.
  • Mood swings: Depression is also characterized by mood swings. One moment you are very happy but the next minute you are sad and anxious.Pain_Fotolia_5280821_XS
  • Exhaustion: Exhaustion is common for people suffering from depression. You will feel a decrease in your energy. You will also feel an increase in your fatigue levels.
  • Unpleasant thoughts: If unpleasant thoughts come into your mind every now and then, you should be alarmed. What are these unpleasant thoughts? These are death and suicide attempts.
  • Sleep troubles: You can have troubles sleeping at some point in time but if it persists for a long time and something is bothering you, it is a clear sign of depression. This also covers changes in your sleeping habits.
  • Physical pain: If you feel persistent physical pains like chronic pain, digestive pain and headaches despite treatments, you have to look for a doctor right away.

If you think that the symptoms are hindering your work and your relationship, you should be alarmed because you are suffering from major depression. Singaporeans endure major depression at some point in their lives but if it occurs for a long time, it is time that you seek for professional help. There are also other types of depression to include dysthymia, bipolar disorder, postpartum and clinical.



How to Get Your Kids to Eat Fruits and Vegetables

7 Apr

Fruits and vegetables are important in the nourishment of your kids. It is not something that you should ignore if you are a parent. You would want your kids to grow healthy but how can you get your kids to eat fruits and vegetables? It may seem a problem to you but if you are serious about this, you will surely get your kids to eat fruits and vegetables at the end of the day.


The question is how do you get your kids to eat fruits and vegetables? A study made by the Arizona State University introduced the concept of associative conditioning. This is the strategy of combining new foods with old foods to entice kids (including adults) to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. If you want to know more about the study, you can refer to the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics. This study can be of good use to Singaporean parents who are having a hard time with their kids.

Apart from learning the associative conditioning, you should also consider other strategies to get your kids to eat fruits and vegetables. Here are some tips or strategies that you can consider:


  1. Serve fruits and vegetables when your kid is hungry. If you think that your kid is very hungry, you should serve fruits and vegetables. When he/she asks for something else, tell him/her that you do not have anything more. They will have no choice but to eat. This is an effective thing.
  2. Be a good role model. How can you affect change when you do not even practice it? It is important that your kids know and see that you are eating fruits and vegetables. You have to eat it in front of your kids so he/she will not think of other things.
  3. Put fruits and vegetables in every meal. Even if you know that your kids do not like eating fruits and vegetables, you still need to continue serving fruits and vegetables in every meal. It may serve as their side dish. There will come a time that your kids will consider it. You will see. They will be curious of the taste and they will surely give it a try.

Singaporean kids should learn the value of fruits and vegetables in their nourishment. It is crucial that you teach your kids to enjoy fruits and vegetables. Do not let your kids decide what they want to eat because they will only consider foods with lesser nutritional content. Your kids can eat fruits and vegetables without putting a fight.



Your Guide to Chronic Constipation

27 Mar

There was a study in 2012 conducted here in Singapore. The study was about determining the number of Singaporeans suffering from chronic constipation. The study revealed that one out of four Singaporeans suffer and endure chronic constipation. Chronic constipation is a digestive problem. It can make one’s life miserable. Relieving chronic constipation is expensive and time consuming.


Not all Singaporeans know they have chronic constipation because it is often associated with indigestion. To help doctors better identify and treat chronic constipation, ANMA (Asian Neurogastroenterology and Motility) has prepared guidelines. ANMA released some guidelines and hopefully it can help doctors here in Singapore and the whole of Asia. This will surely improve the life of one Singaporean at a time.


The definition of chronic constipation varies depending on the individual. For some individual, chronic constipation means irregular bowel movements that will last for several days to weeks. For others, chronic constipation means difficulty in passing of tools or straining. In general, chronic constipation is defined by the frequency of your stools. It should not be less than three times every week and it should not last for several months.



It was mentioned earlier that chronic constipation is often associated with indigestion. You may feel bloated for a period of time. You may think that it is just indigestion so you will look for ways to relieve it but in truth, you are suffering from chronic constipation. Other symptoms also include infrequent bowel movements and straining bowel for several months. When you notice anything like this, it is better to come to your doctor right away so it can be relieved.


Other people think that chronic constipation is harmless and it cannot affect you. That is wrong. Chronic constipation, like other illnesses makes you anxious, stressed, uncomfortable and distressed. Do not think that it is not worth going to the doctor. If you are suffering from this, the discomfort is unbearable. Think about your work performance. Because of chronic constipation, it will reduce your pace and you will miss a lot of recreational activities.


People believe that if you have infrequent bowels, the toxins will accumulate in your intestine. That is purely myth. It is not true because there were no studies and evidence that confirm such. People think that if you do not have at least 1 bowel movement a day, it is not normal. The truth is, it does not matter. The frequency is based on the weeks not the days.

If you feel that you are suffering from chronic constipation, you should go to your doctors right away. They will confirm your suspicion and they will recommended treatments to relieve your discomfort. If you know someone who is enduring chronic constipation, you should help them learn about their illness so they can deal with it properly.


Things to Know About the World Bank

24 Mar


Let it be known that Singapore is helping developing countries to promote growth by increasing its World Bank subscription. The contribution of Singapore to IBRD (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development)will be increased from US $38.6 million to US $672 million. The statement was made by the Deputy Prime Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam on January 21, 2014.

If you want to know more about World Bank, you can freely refer here.




IBRDWorld Bank was established in 1944. It was established in the hopes to recuperate from the ruins of World War II. The World Bank has 5 institutions or organs. IBRD is one of the 5 institutions. IBRD is created to back up poor and middle income developing countries that are credit worthy. IBRD only seeks to promote sustainable development.

Singapore’s Subscription
As mentioned earlier, IBRD backs up poor and middle income countries. The institution is organized like a cooperative. This cooperative is run for the advantage of its 187 member states. The institution exists to assist member states achieve sustainable development. Since its establishment, poor countries have made tremendous improvements in terms of governance and economics.

Singapore took a great step in increasing its IBRD. Since 1966, this is the first time the capital subscription has substantially increased. Singapore needs to contribute to the global effort. The subscription of US $672 million will help a lot in supplementing the World Bank’s reserve.

It is great to know the processes of World Bank. If you want to know more, you should go personally to World Bank’s page and look for more. It is everyone’s moral obligation to take part in the society. You can help the society in your own little ways.



Riot Sparked at Little India

28 Feb

On December 8, 2013 at 9:23pm there was a fatal accident when a bus hit an Indian national at the intersection of Hampshire Road and Race Course Road. After being alerted, the SCDF (Singapore Civil Defence Force) came to the site right away. They saw the man trapped under the bus and the accompanying paramedics pronounced him dead. As they were removing the body, there were things tossed at the personnel.17222582_0

That was beginning. It was believed that the accident spurred the riot in Little India. Alternatively, SPF (Singapore Police Force) advised the public via their Twitter account to avoid Little India that night. Little India is a famous lair of foreign labourers on Sunday night.


There were more or less four hundred people who participated in the riot. After the riot, there were twenty seven people arrested. The police guarantees the public that there will me be more arrests coming. Eighteen injured people (including 4 SCDF employees) were sent to the nearby hospital Tan Tock Seng. The driver of the bus was also arrested.


The rioting was a serious matter. The chaos was so severe that the ambulance and the five police cars were overturned. As if it is not enough, furious people burned it. Apart from that, there were many private vehicles who also suffered the wrath of the mob. The damage to public property was also noticeable after the riot.

The Aftermath

After few hours, the police assured the public that the riots was contained. To make things easier, the SPF set in motion Gurkha Contingent and Special Operations Command. About three hundred police officers were installed to contain the furious mob. PM Lee Hsien Loong is very keen to punish, reprimand and apprehend the people involved in this extreme act. He also advised the public to stay calm.

Why the Violence?

There are people who are violent but they should learn to contain whatever they feel and do not think about disturbing the peace. When they feel that something is amiss, they should bring it in the proper agency and not just throw things at other people. In the case of the rioting, PM Lee said that there is no excuse for the actions and behaviour of the mob.

Many Singaporeans are concerned about their safety and security after the rioting. The government is doing its best to prevent such behaviour. Singaporeans and residents should bear with the government as they investigate further and think of ways to develop their strategies should this happen again (hopefully not).


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