4 Beauty Products worth Buying from the Baby Aisle

19 Jun

Although it has been a long time since you last used Johnson & Johnson’s “No More Tears” Formula during your bath time, this doesn’t mean that you can no longer use such products now. Since they’re gentler and are hypoallergenic than their grown-up counterparts, these baby products have really proven itself as a great solution for some of our beauty concerns.


  1. Baby Shampoo. Not only is it great for gently cleaning your hair, it also is a mild solution for getting rid of acne-ridden skin as it cleanses the face off the impurities without stripping its natural oils. You can also test its ‘no more tears’ claim by rinsing your eye with baby shampoo to treat sty. Unlike normal soap, this cleanses the parameters of the eye without irritating it.
  1. Baby Powder. We all know that a baby powder can serve as a great alternative for dry shampoo, but other than that baby powder offer lots of beauty services. It can be used to soothe freshly waxed skin, removing ocean and sand grime from skin, and setting the makeup. Others even brush a bit of powder on their lashes to add volume to each hair strand. So, go grab a bottle of baby powder now and you’ll be surprised of how much you can save from buying multiple beauty cosmetics.


  1. Baby Wipes. Baby wipes are pretty much the same with makeup wipes, only that they are made with gentler ingredients. Not only are these wipes ideal for removing your makeup, they are also surprisingly great at getting rid of fabric and denim stains. See how many tricks can a small packet of baby wipes can do.
  1. Baby Oil. Other than being great at removing your eye makeup, baby oil also works as an excellent after-shower moisturizer. Mineral oil, a key ingredient of baby oils, are great for the skin; but be sure first you’re not allergic to it.

With milder ingredients, baby products have really proven that they are a great alternative to many of our face and skin care products, giving us baby-smooth skin that most of us aim to have.


Shop Right: 4 Ways to Become a More Responsible Shopper

15 Jun

Putting the words ‘shopper’ and ‘responsible’ in one sentence can be hard sometimes, but you can’t afford to be careless with money these days. You’ve worked hard to earn that money, so it’s only right to spend it wisely. But we’re not here to take your shopping privileges away though. We’re only here to show you some great ways on how you can shop wisely and become a more responsible shopper.

Shopping woman

  1. Pay With Cash. While it can be tempting to just swipe your credit card every time you shop, experts still suggest that you pay with cash if you can. Doing so will not only help you decide whether or not an item is worth the purchase, it will also aid in warding off all the credit card debts that will continue to hound you even after your retirement.
  1. Deal with the Highest Interest First. If you ever find yourself battling your credit card debts caused by your latest shopping spree, then be responsible enough and deal with the problem as soon as possible. Pay the card that charges the highest interest rate first. Aim to pay more than just the minimum charge too, to help you reduce your debt quicker.


  1. Look for the Best Shopping Deals. Another good way to become a responsible shopper is to check and look for the best shopping deals out in the market. Scan through your local papers and magazines as they often include some discount coupons in their issues. You can also check some online sites that offer special rates every time you do a purchase over the Internet.
  1. Be Disciplined. Although the thought of getting a year-end bonus prompts you to spend massively, it’s still important to stick with the spending limit that you’ve set. Take enough time to think about your every purchase. Even if the item is on sale, but you can still live without it, then perhaps your money is worth spending on something more worthwhile.

Although becoming a responsible shopper can be quite challenging, all that you actually need to become one is discipline. Be disciplined enough to spend your money on purchases that are really worth it and not on those that will only give you temporary happiness.


5 Summer Activities That You and Your Dog Can Enjoy

31 May

The summer season isn’t only meant to be enjoyed by us, humans, it’s also the season where your pets can have lots of fun under the sun. Although the summer season poses some dangers to your pooch, there are still some activities that you can safely enjoy with him while enjoying the warm weather. So, have your pooch barking for joy with these fun summer activities.


  1. Visit the Beach. Open spaces, water to swim on and sand to dry off are just some of the reasons why the beach is the perfect place to take your dogs. Just be sure to ease him into the ocean first and monitor how deep he might get into the waves. If he prefers to stay on land, get him moving by playing fetch or Frisbee with him. With all the running and swimming, he’ll surely get thirsty, so ensure that he gets proper hydration throughout your trip.
  1. Camp in the Wilderness. The bonfire, grilling, ghost stories and the s’mores proves that there’s nothing like camping outdoors. So the next time you decide to camp out, bring your pooch along. He’ll definitely love the thrill brought by camping out just as much as you do, since he’ll be able to explore new areas and sniff new things. Just be watchful of the ticks though.
  1. Take Some Hike. Even if overnight camping isn’t your thing, you and your dog can still enjoy the sunny outdoors by going on a hike. Not only will this serve as a great workout for your dog, going outdoors will also enhance his sensory abilities. Just don’t forget to pack some extra water for him, and keep your eyes open for those ticks.


  1. Book a Hotel Room for Your Four-Legged Friend. Another great way that you and your pooch can relax from the scorching hot weather is by going on a relaxing hotel getaway. Don’t get stressed out about your pooch though, as there are a lot of hotels that also accommodate animals. Most of these hotels even offer the same amenities and customer services that both humans and animals can enjoy, so you no longer need to worry about how your pet is treated by the hotel staff.
  1. Go on a Picnic. What better way to spend a sunny summer day than go on a picnic with the entire family, including your pooch. Next time you plan on going to the park, bring your dog along and pack a picnic basket that’s filled with his favourite treats. Just like the beach, the park is also a great place for dogs as it enables him to walk, run, play fetch, relax in the grass and even check out other dogs. So, allow your dog to get the most out of his summer time by going on a picnic with him.

Summer is the best time to bond not just with your family, but with your pets as well. So make the most out of your and your dog’s summer break by trying any of the aforementioned activities.


Say Goodbye to Big Pores!

29 May

5 Easy Ways to Make Your Pores Look Smaller

Large pores is one of the most hard-to-treat skin issues. They don’t just make your makeup application time-consuming, they also make you extra conscious of your face. Sadly, there’s just nothing you can do to deal with this issue permanently, but through these makeup tricks, minimizing the appearance of your pores is possible.


  1. Use Non-Comedogenic Makeup Products. If you want to make your pores appear as small as possible, then it’s important that you keep your skin clean and clear all the time. One good way to achieve this is by using a non-comedogenic product to ensure that your pores won’t get clogged and worsen the problem.
  1. Opt for a Pore-Filling Primer. While it may seem like a no-brainer, opting for a pore-filling primer is definitely your best bet when it comes to minimizing the appearance of your pores. Most pore-filling primers are silicone-based, making it ideal for smoothing the skin and creating an even canvas. Just dab a small amount of primer into the problem areas and see how it immediately shrinks your pores.
  1. Buff Your Foundation. One thing that contributes to the large appearance of our pores is the way we apply our foundation. Brushing your foundation over your large pores only emphasizes them even more. Luckily, this can be avoided by buffing your foundation in circular motion and pressing it into your skin. The buffing motion will aid in covering your pores, while pressing helps in filling them in.


  1. Powder Properly. Other than locking in foundation and controlling the oiliness brought by your large pores, using powder also aids in minimizing and filling in the appearance of pores when it’s applied the right way. Instead of sweeping it over your face using your brush, use a powder puff to press and roll some loose powder into your skin. Just like with pressing your foundation, pressing powder will also aid in filling your pores.
  1. Skip the Shimmery and Dewy Products. Using shimmery products only emphasizes the problematic areas on the face, including large pores. So, it would be best to stick with matte makeup products to avoid drawing unwanted attention on your large pores.

While it’s quite impossible to permanently shrink the size of your pores, minimizing their appearance is still possible by using and following the aforementioned makeup tricks. With this, you can already stop stressing over how large your pores are and feel beautiful as long as you want.

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5 Signs You Need to Go On a Vacation, NOW!  

11 May


From time to time, we need to go on a vacation at some point in the year. However, some of us just need it right away. Why? Here are the reasons why you might need to take a vacation from your hectic life right now!


  1. You crave for change, but hate it at the same time.

You keep telling your friends (or yourself) that you need a change, but are not working for it; perhaps, because you’re just so used to your day-to-day routine that you’re afraid to let a bit of change come into your life, even if it’s just a short vacation.

  1. You can’t remember the last time you socialized.

Your social life is non-existent. Ask yourself, when was the last time you went out with friends for drinks? If you cannot remember, you certainly need time to take a break buddy! What more if you just come home to sleep, shower, and sometimes eat dinner? It’s definitely a sign that you need to pack your bags soon.


  1. You feel overwhelmed so easily.

Whether your colleagues, friends, boss, or family says something insensitively to you, you react unreasonably. You feel like crying or feel irritated by those people. These could be early signs of depression, so make sure to unwind every once in a while to refresh and clear your mind.

  1. You wander aimlessly in life.

If lately you’re feeling that you are wandering away from your goals or having difficulty on focusing on one thing, you might need a refresher to get you back on track. A weekend getaway or even just an overnight camping will greatly help in regaining your ambitions in life.

  1. You feel tired and sleepy most of the time.

No matter how much you sleep and rest, you still feel tired most of your day. This happens because your mind and body is bored of the same routine you have every day. Your body and mind need change and a good reason to get out of the bed—and that would be a vacation.

Taking a vacation causes no harm, and in fact refreshes the mind. Don’t wait for these signs to arise and start planning for your vacation now.


Why It’s Important to Start Your Own Nest Egg Now?

7 May


Singlehood is the time of adventure and discovery. You earn and you have all the energy and time to explore the world and enjoy life. And because of that, starting a nest egg is probably the last thing you have in your mind right now, which should not be the case.


Today is the perfect time to start saving for your future, while you don’t have major life commitments yet. Still not convinced? Here are more reasons why you need to start building you savings now while you’re still young and single.

  1. It’s the key to independence.

If you want to live life on your own, your savings can make the transition to independence a lot easier. With enough savings, it’s easier to find a comfortable place you can call home and to afford the everyday expenses that come with being a truly independent person.

  1. It lets you spend on the things you want guilt-free.

It’s easier to spend on the things you want if you already have enough savings for emergencies and necessary stuff. You can afford to spend on your luxuries—whether it would be travel gadgets, fashion—because you know you’re secured.


  1. It provides you with more options in life.

Whatever you want to do in life—may it be starting a business, making a career change, going to an exotic getaway, buying a car, or building your dream house, your nest egg can support you with anything you wish to do. Having enough savings allow for more flexibility and better choices in life.

  1. It takes your money IQ to the next level.

Building a savings account could be your key to kicking your financial knowledge a notch a higher. By starting a nest egg, you get to practice the habit of saving and budgeting consistently. You might even start looking into the possibilities of investing to grow your money.

  1. It secures your future.

Your retirement may still be around 30 years from now, but that doesn’t mean you should not start planning about it yet. And no, your health and security fund won’t suffice to support a comfortable lifestyle in your retirement years. That’s why having enough savings is important in securing your future and most especially in addressing the health expenses that come with old age.

Securing your future should start as early as possible. Since you’re now earning and no major responsibilities yet, put your money to good use and start saving for a rainy day.


Look Polished and Professional In a Minute

22 Apr

4 Tips to Master Your Office Makeup Look

One of the many challenges each Singaporean women face is choosing the right makeup for their corporate environment. Looking professional and competent is incredibly important, especially if you’re just starting out your career. Although you’ll need to put down your glittery eyeliner, it doesn’t mean that you should go to your office bare-faced. To help you, here are some of the basic makeup tips that will keep you looking professional throughout the day.


  1. Build Up A Radiant Complexion

Instead of your usual heavy foundation, opt for a tinted moisturizer to hydrate and perk up your skin throughout the day. For a more polished complexion, reach for your favourite blush powder or bronzer to warm up and give your skin some natural glow.

  1. Accentuate Your Eyes

Disguise the traces of late-night partying in your eyes by curling your lashes and coating them with your lengthening mascara. To make your eyes more awake and for an added definition, line them using a brown pencil.


  1. Use Neutral Eye shadows

Leave your dark and glittery eye shadows at home or for your Friday night outs with friends. Keep things neutral in your eye makeup using a lovely shade of bronze or champagne. This will help in brightening your eyes, without making it too sparkly or distracting.

  1. Go With A Rosy Lipstick

In an office makeup, lip colour isn’t really a must. In fact, your trusty lip balm is already enough to do the job. But if you still prefer to add a hint of colour on your lips, opt for a sheer shade of nude or rosy pink lipstick, instead of the bright-coloured or pigmented ones. The neutral or light-coloured shades will help in enhancing your overall makeup look by keeping it chic and simple.

Wearing heavy or dark-coloured makeup has never been an ideal look for a day-to-day beauty routine. Other than being inappropriate for a corporate environment, it also takes so much time to complete. So follow these simple office makeup tips instead and learn to keep things simple but chic.


Common Acne Myths You Should Stop Believing In

20 Apr

Acne is one of the most frustrating skin problem that is just downright embarrassing, unsightly, and too much to deal with. If you’re someone who have lived with acne during your teenage years, then you most probably heard all sorts of beliefs about it and how to deal with it. Guess what? Most of those beliefs and advices that you long believed in are not actually true. Here are some of those acne myths, as well as the truth behind each myth.


Myth #1. Acne can be outgrown.

You might’ve heard the belief that acne is just a common teenage problem and you’ll eventually outgrow it when you’re older. Guess what? It’s not true. Acne actually becomes worse for females when they grow older, while it’s worse for males during their teenage years. Although outgrowing acne would be really great, it’s still possible to for adults to get this same teenage skin problem.


Myth #2. Consistently washing your face prevents acne.

We’ve always believed that washing and scrubbing our face often will drive acne away, when that’s not actually true. Although washing our face once or twice a day using an anti-acne cleanser can be helpful, it doesn’t really scrub or wash acne away. Acne is a skin problem commonly caused by bacteria, clogged pores, and hormonal fluctuations, and washing your face every day won’t fix these causes. Also, Singapore dermatologists said that there’s really no cure for acne other than taking a pill called isotretinoin.


Myth #3. Applying sunscreen clogs the pores.

If you decide to wear an oil-free sunscreen, a gel-based or a powder sunblock, then it shouldn’t clog your pores. So if you ever go shopping for your facial sunscreen, ensure that it is good for your skin type and non-comedogenic.


Myth #4. Diet and acne are not related.


This case is true for most people, but for some, diet really plays an important role in an acne breakout. For most regular acne patients, having a healthy diet is always recommended by dermatologists and if a patient finds out that a particular food is what causes his/her breakouts, then he/she is often advised to avoid eating that food. Just remember that whether or not you regularly experience acne breakouts, healthy eating should always be your priority.


Myth #5. Sun exposure heals acne breakout.


This is definitely one of the big-time myths when it comes to acne. The sun’s heat normally kills the acne-causing bacteria, which is why most people think that they’re acne gets a lot better every time they go to the beach. However, the same heat will also darken the marks left by your breakout, and cause it to persist for a much longer time.


Instead of entirely believing in the common beliefs about acne, focus on taking good care of your skin and keeping it clean to prevent any breakouts from happening.

HSR: Set to Change the Future  

10 Apr

Singapore and Malaysia are changing the future with the help of High Speed Rail (HSR). The two countries are following the steps of Japan. Believe it or not Japan’s bullet train system (which is called Shinkansen) paved way to its success as an economic powerhouse here in Asia.


The train system will literally change the landscape. Apart from that, the inter-connectedness of the people will surely set the stage for economic progress. The good news is that Japan is interested to share its bullet train technology for the HSR project.

According to the reports, the project will start next year and it will be completed by the end of 2020. Here are some things that you need to know about the project:


  • Span: Malaysia and Singapore seek to be more connected so the project will span over 300 kilometre. There will be 8 stops to include Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya, Seremban, Ayer Keroh, Muar, Batu Pahat, Musajaya and the Singapore itself.
  • Economic impact: An official from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan said that the impact will depend on the size of the passengers. It was mentioned earlier that there will be 8 stops; that alone can have a big impact on local markets.
  • Costs: The economic benefits are potentially huge but there is another issue the two partners are facing- the costs. The costs to build the project are also enormous. Most of Japan’s Shinkansen project relied on loans which led to the privatization of their national railways. Reports revealed that it will cost at least US $8 billion to US $24 billion.


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